
The Global Data Barometer

Short summary: Worked as principal researcher for Malawi. The Global Data Barometer is a critical new benchmark on country-level data governance, data capability, data availability, and data use for the public good.

Keywords: Malawi, Data for development, Equity and Inclusion, Emerging AI practises

Abstract: The Global Data Barometer will fill critical knowledge gaps on how data policy and practice are unfolding in different sectors, regions, and countries around the world. Building on the Open Data Barometer study, which has been used to drive policymaking, advocacy, and academic research across the world, we are creating a new global benchmark that tracks the extent to which data is governed, shared, and used for the public good.

Curating the Curated Archives 

Short summary: Dissertation for an MSc in Data Science, Technology and Innovation from the University of Edinburgh 

Keywords: Zooniverse,  Malawi, Digital Commons, central African history, National Archives of Malawi

Abstract:  This research project explored the possibility of using a crowdsourcing platform called the Zooniverse (originally from Astronomy) to improve content for National Archives of Malawi, particularly content that was digitised from the Archives and deposited on Wikimedia Commons, the repository for such Wikimedia projects like Wikipedia, Wikispecies, and others. It also looked at usage of social media tools, specifically Facebook, to understand civic participation around the engagement of the historical notion of Malawi. This was to gain new insights around access to the National Archives of Malawi (and by extension, to the country’s collective memory) and the building of stories around the very concept of Malawi.